Category: SOC - LetsDefend - Ransomware Detected

Phishing Mail Detected
SOC145 - Ransomware Detected

In this writeup, we will investigate the Ransomware Detected. For those who are not aware of what Ransomware is, this link provides a comprehensive overview of the ransomware.

Screenshot For The Alert
Screenshot For The Alert

Metadata information of the event which triggered the SIEM alert:

  • For this alert, we see that a suspicious behaviour that hit the SOC145 - Ransomware Detected rule, we can also see the file name, file hash, and file size.

Let’s get ready to investigate the alert..!

  • For our first step, we can put the hash of the file in Virus Total to get a preliminary overview of whether the file is malicious or not and to see if there are any hits returned.

    File Hash: 1228d0f04f0ba82569fc1c0609f9fd6c377a91b9ea44c1e7f9f84b2b90552da2

Virus Total

Screenshot For The Alert seems to be very malicious

After we submit the file hash in VirusTotal, there are total of 63 security vendors flagged this file as malicious.

  • We can see C2 Adresses, Contacted Domains and URLs relation are also the key indicator for malicious file.


Next, we will simulate this artefact’s behaviour on compromised system by submitting it to ANY.RUN


💡To show more ANY.RUN behaviour analysis result Click Here

Hybrid Analysis

Next, we will simulate this artefact’s behaviour on compromised system by submitting it to Hybrid Analysis

Hybrid Analysis

Hybrid Analysis also flagged this file as malicious with detection reference to CrowdStrike Falcon, MetaDefender and VirusTotal.

💡To show more Hybrid Analysis result Click Here

Let’s start with playbook


Define Threat Indicator


Check if the malware is quarantined/cleaned

  • First of all you will check Log Management:
Log Management
Log Management
  • First we check the first log alert:
Log Management
  • we check this parent hash in virus total:
Log Management

After we submit the file hash in VirusTotal, there are total of 48 security vendors flagged this file as malicious.

we will take this information as IoCs:

  • Request URL:
  • Parent MD5: ac596d282e2f9b1501d66fce5a451f00
  • Process: powershell.exe
  • Parent Process: BAL_GB9684140238GE.doc

Then we will check the Destination Address:

Log Management
  • After we submit the file hash in VirusTotal, there are total of 3 security vendors flagged this IP Address as malicious.

  • Now we check the second log alert:
Log Management
  • After we submit the file hash in VirusTotal, there are flagged this file is not malicious.

  • Second you will check Endpoint Security:
Endpoint Security
Endpoint Security
  • If we check this hash 0b486fe0503524cfe4726a4022fa6a68 in virus total:
Screenshot For The Alert
Virus Total

And this is basic properties and names of this file:

Screenshot For The Alert
Screenshot For The Alert

💡To show more details about this file Click Here and for relations Click Here


It is True Positive alert, because ab.exe is ransomware and encrypted all files on the machine. There is no C2 address, if you do dynamic analysis, you can see how it is acting.

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